Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Victorious Life quote

"If you are in debate as to whether God can deliver from sin, either let Him do it, or tell Him He cannot." Oswald Chambers

The Bible is very clear (just look at Romans 6 for a stunning example): sin is not to have dominion over us. We are to be set free from its grip. However, most people in modern Christianity have justified their mediocre lives and do not have real victory. Christ has promised it to us. Either we take Him at His Word and allow Him to accomplish His victory within us or we tell Him that He is a liar and cannot do it. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

His ways are perfect

“As for God, His way is perfect; the Word of the Lord is tried. He is a Buckler to all those that trust in Him.” Psalm 18: 30

God is continually showing me how perfect His way truly is. Most of the time, we have our own ideas of how to do things and think that our way is best, even if it’s subconsciously. However, what if we actually chose to do things God’s way?

What if we actually chose to handle our finances God’s way?

What if we actually chose to handle our relationships God’s way?

What if we actually chose to handle school God’s way?

What if we actually chose to handle work God’s way?

 What would happen if we chose to look to God for the solution to each and every area of life, rather than looking to how we or society have always done things?

What if we actually believed that God’s way of living is truly perfect? That He truly does know what He is doing and that He is absolutely able to be trusted…completely and without reserve?

“Lead me in Thy Truth, and teach me: for Thou art the God of my salvation. On Thee do I wait all the day.” Psalm 25: 5

No longer would we try to brainstorm how to handle a situation.

No longer would we try to come up with fleshly solutions.

No longer would we look inward during life’s difficult challenges.

We would focus our gaze upon HIM. For we are absolutely, positively, without a doubt convinced that our God will come through on our behalf! We know that when we try to do things in our own strength or willpower, we ruin them and make things only worse. But I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord; we can be completely and utterly dependent upon the One is all knowing!

His way is tried. Christians throughout history have taken God at His Word in simple faith, and He has always, without fail performed on their behalf! For, He is faithful and cannot be otherwise!

Jackie Pullinger was called to the walled city of Hong Kong, full of prostitutes and drug lords. She walked right into the city, free from worry of the danger present and absolutely confident in her Lord’s promised protection.

George Mueller set plates at the table for children, even when no food was visibly available, absolutely confident in his God’s promised provision.

Amy Carmichael left home and comforts to rescue little girls from temple prostitution, absolutely confident in her Lord’s promised satisfaction and love.

Richard Wurmbrand allowed himself to be tortured for the sake of Christ’s precious Name, absolutely confident in his Lord’s promised grace and endurance.

Corrie Ten Boom was able to love and forgive a man who had tortured her dear sister, absolutely confident of that fact that her God has promised to supply her with His love.

Little 5’ tall Gladys Alyward marched into a men’s bloody prison riot and commanded them to stop in the Name of Jesus, absolutely confident in her God’s authority and control.

I could keep going. Many others throughout history have seen God perform miraculous things on their behalf, simply because they chose to stake their all upon Him and let Him perform that which He has promised. 

Will we choose to trust Him in such a way?

Saturday, May 12, 2012

A Featured Quote

“O Lord, against this bosom blast of coiled and seething feelings, battering passions, ebbing yearnings, oozing ache of inner man, Raise Thou the flinty walls of stuff which Thy Son was made. Yea, build in me the buttressed bastions of faith that shall resist the undersucking flood of soulish tide, and make me to endure this late attack, I pray, in Jesus’ Name.”  

Jim Elliot

Friday, May 11, 2012

A Study on Meekness


A few months ago, I was reading through I Peter, and decided to do a study on the work "meek" (ch. 3: 4) because I didn't really understand it. The definition left me awestruck and completely blown away by its depth.

meek- accepting God's dealings with us as good, without disputing and arguing; wholly relying on God and not one's own strength to defend against injustice; opposite to self assertion and self interest. Stems from trust in God's goodness and control over the situation; not occupied with self or self interest at all.

It was amazing to me how well this fit in with topic of the beauty we, as the daughters of God, are supposed to possess. However, meekness also applies to the entire body of Christ.

I quickly did a study on the rest of the verses in the Bible that contained the word "meek." This is what I found:

Matthew 5: 5- You don’t assert yourself or vie for position. You don’t dispute or argue. You trust God’s goodness and control over the situation. And this enables you to inherit the earth!
Matthew 11: 29- Jesus possessed meekness. And because He did not try to destroy or abolish death in His own strength, because He could not as a man, God was able to do it through Him!
Matthew 21: 5- Jesus was said to be meek when He entered the city of His death. Yet, through His meekness of being willing to be put to death, He conquered and put to death all the powers of earth and hell!
Psalm 22: 26- The meek don’t seek their own desires, pleasures, or cravings. Yet, they will be satisfied because God Himself will make sure that they are satisfied. He will prove Himself and thus elicit praise from His people.
Psalm 25: 9- The meek aren’t putting forth their own opinion or holding to their own sensibilities. Therefore, they are teachable and God will show them His better way, lead them, and guide them. But only because they are willing and don’t assert their own “ideas” or opinions of what the way should look like.
Psalm 37: 11- The definition of peace I’ve heard is the complete removal of the enemy. They will delight themselves in the abundance of peace because they don’t seek to remove the enemy themselves. They give God place to completely obliterate the enemy.
Psalm 76: 9- The meek allow themselves to be rescued by the God of heaven. They glory in their weakness (II Corinthians 12: 9) so that His strength will be seen in and through them. They are absolutely convinced that they have no strength in and of themselves. So, God is given place to evidence His strength through their yielding to Him.
Psalm 147: 6- The meek don’t seek to exalt themselves. They take the lowest position and trust God to glory Himself and lift them up eventually. This enables God to lift them up in a way beyond what they could ever have  imagined.
Psalm 149: 4- The meek don’t seek their own advancement, for they are confident in the fact that God takes care of His people and delights in them, as a Father does His children. He will beautify them and glorify them because of this delight.
Isaiah 11: 4- The meek don’t seek revenge. The meek are willing to be trampled upon, defrauded, etc. because they know that the Lord is their Defender and trust Him to take care of them.
Isaiah 29: 19- What an amazing verse! They aren’t seeking their own pleasures or cravings. They aren’t seeking to make themselves happy. They are allowing God to have that position, to fulfill them. And this produces joy beyond all comprehension!
Isaiah 61: 1-  God brings the meek good tidings because they are allowing Him to produce good things for them and not seeking the good things for themselves, which would only be a counterfeit.
Zephaniah 2: 3- The meek carry out the Lord’s commands, no matter how weird, incorrect, or extreme they may seem. They will experience, because of this, the best of God’s goodness.
Galatians 5: 23- This amazing submission and trust in God is a result of the fruit of the Spirit. Jesus will produce this in us. And we will become more meek as He continually proves His greatness, trustworthiness, control, and faithfulness in each circumstance!

Oh, may we be willing to be made meek, that His incredible strength and glory might be seen in us!