Monday, August 20, 2012

More of HIM, Less of me

      I was studying Psalm 34 tonight, and the second part of verse two says, “the humble shall hear thereof and be glad.” This cross – referenced me to Psalm 119: 74, which really struck me in a new way.

“They that fear thee will be glad when they see me; because I have hoped in Thy Word.”

     This verse just blew me away. People aren't supposed to be attracted to my personality, my wit, my determination, my love, my affirmation, my encouragement, my strength, my vigor, or my anything.  I am supposed to point people to Him! It reminds me of John 3: 30, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” I am to be so completely and utterly consumed with Jesus, that He is all that is seen within me. 
The first part of verse two talks about making your boast in the Lord. That word ‘boast’ literally means ‘to make shine.’ Our goal as Christians is not to make ourselves shine or to make ourselves be noticed. It is to make HIM be noticed, to make HIM be exalted, to make HIM be high and lifted up.

     Therefore, if people are attracted to or drawn to us at all, it is supposed to be because they see Jesus in us. They want more of Jesus. We truly have nothing worthwhile to offer to people in our own strength. He alone is the true Solution. He alone is what they need. Therefore, we must allow ourselves to become His flow through channel of grace to those around us. This also means that if people are disgusted with us, hate us, or revile us, it is because they see Christ in us. Either way, we are to be so consumed with Jesus, that HE is all that is seen.

      How does this happen? How do we become so obsessed with Jesus that people see Him and Him alone in us, that we diminish so that His glory would be seen? The next part of the verse gives the answer. We hope in HIS Word. We don’t seek to do it in our own strength. We don’t seek to live the impossible Christian life by our own grit and determination. We yield ourselves to the Word (aka Jesus) and allow Him to do the impossible in us. We become completely and totally given to Him. We bow before it, heed its every utterance, and obey its every command. Thus, we bow before HIM, heed HIS every command, and obey HIS every utterance.
And this is my prayer: May I decrease that YOU might increase in and through this yielded, weak vessel! 

How I love Thee! How I’ve proved Thee over and over.

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